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Love the body you are in : 3 Steps to accepting the person you see in the mirror


Article by Sidra Jafri

Learning to love your body image

My whole life I struggled with weight. I wasn’t obese, but I didn’t have a body which i believed to be perfect. I dreaded the thought of looking in the mirror and the idea of getting photographed gave me shivers. It was affecting all areas of my life as I had no confidence in myself. I spent a lot of time comparing my body with everyone else around me. Comparing myself made it even more challenging for me to love and accept my body.
When I trained as a hypnotherapist, I became aware of the  power of our mind and emotions over our bodies. I researched a lot on my relationship with food , weight and body. My breakthrough came when I started seeing my body as a live conscious storehouse of wisdom that is listening to all the messages from its surrounding and responding accordingly. The body hears our thoughts and responds to what we think about our bodies. For example, if you think you have a lazy body, you will find your body lethargic and slower in movement. On the other hand, if your thoughts around your body are positive, it will reflect in the way you move, what you eat and how you relate to yourself.

Since I have learnt the steps to loving your body and applied them in my life, my relationship with my body has transformed as I have found a new way to relate to my body that enhances my confidence and allows me to speak publicly across the globe!

Following are those three steps that has not only changed my life but also facilitated thousands of people who come to me for weight, confidence and body image issues.

1. Stop comparing your body

The first step to create a change in your body image is to stop comparing your body with anyone else. your body is as unique as your fingerprint. No one else knows how it feels to be in YOUR body. Nobody else has lived your story.  Fat-shaming, skinny shaming or any other type of labelling and boxing yourself into a category has to stop. If you’re pointing out flaw in others, then you’re simply projecting your own inner fears. When you begin to see other women and men as unique individuals just like you, you will have a much easier time at making peace with your own body.
When you go to the gym or out for a walk. Start admiring people’s individuality that they carry through their bodies. If you find yourself comparing yourself, then  Just say to yourself, “I am who I am, I am where I am”. This will bring a sense of relief from comparison.

2. Accept your current body

After I had kids, I had two sets of wardrobes: The ‘old skinny me waiting to be back’ ’ and the current ‘ugly me’. It took me years to accept that my body has gone through a lot of changes during pregnancy and is now at a different stage. Getting rid of the slim pants that I wore before kids and letting go of all the dresses that I kept in hope of fitting into again, made me feel a lot better about my body.  Do you still have that swimsuit you wore when you were a size four, hoping to fit into it again? Do you have those slim pants you wore back in college hanging on a rack in your closet, thinking maybe, just maybe they’ll be on your body again someday? If these clothes are hanging around as constant reminders, then it’s time to ditch them. Dress the body you have now, not the body you had then. Keeping clothing around that doesn’t fit you is a subconscious reminder that something “needs to change.” That kind of thinking isn’t healthy and is putting you into a state of stress and self-disrespect. This is one of the keys to create a change. You take the body you have and turn it into the body you want. The truth is that until and unless you don’t accept your current shape, current wobbly bits, current body exactly the way it is, your body won’t change. The best way to do that is looking straight into the mirror and doing a Divine Magic Statement saying: “I love, accept and approve my body in totality”. See how your body feels as a result of saying that. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not in the beginning. Just everyday when you wash your face in the morning, say the above statement as your body is listening to your command, your body will start to respond to it.

3. Appreciate your body

Law of nature suggests that what you appreciate, appreciates and what you focus on expands. This means that if you keep focusing on the ‘bad’ bits of your body, you will see it more and more. Until you don’t appreciate  your body, your body will not change. Start appreciating the bits your body is good at. If your body is good at walking or your body is good at lifting heavy weight, appreciate it. Or if your body has a rock solid digestive system, appreciate it. Every organ requires appreciation for it to perform at its best.

Taking time out from your busy schedule and appreciating your body at night will do you a world of good and cancel any negative thought that you might have had about your body during the day. Everyday, just before you go to sleep.
Close your eyes and imagine light of appreciation is entering your body.
Spend 5/6 minutes in appreciating your body from top to toe. Keep naming the body part with a note of thanks and function it performs. For example, I appreciate my eyes for allowing me to see, I appreciate my voice for allowing me to speak, I appreciate my heart for pumping blood and so on so forth.

I have seen major changes in people’s physical health being improved, insomnia being cleared, eyesight being improved, body parts starting to function better when they start appreciating their body.
If you are having trouble in one of your body parts, start having ‘intention appreciation’… so start imagining that your body part is functioning perfectly… “

Communication is the essence of life. By using these 3 steps you are communicating with your body the messages of uniqueness, acceptance, love and respect. Remember, our bodies are the home for our soul,  just like when your external environment is encouraging and appreciative you feel loved and inspired to live and enjoy life. When the home for your soul (body) is accepted, loved and appreciated, your soul will thrive and dance with all of life.

About Sidra
sida jafri imageSidra Jafri is an author, medium and Awakening Facilitator. Sidra transforms people’s out-dated core programming and the beliefs in their lives that have been keeping them stuck in areas such as wealth, relationships and wellbeing.

Her Global event The Awakening has moved thousands of people to activate their own unique soul signature in order to create more of what they want in their lives, including wellbeing in their body, mind, and spirit.


Check out her recently released new book: www.sidrajafrilive.com/changeyourlife

For more info on her next FREE live event check out: www.sidrajafrilive.com/the-awakening and to book your place on her next 6 Day Soul Spa retreat: www.sidrajafrilive.com/soul-spa

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